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Abrahão, CR; Amorim, LG; Magalhães, AM; Azevedo, CR; Grisi-Filho, JHH; Dias, RA. Extinction Risk Evaluation and Population Size Estimation of Bothrops insularis (Serpentes: Viperidae), a Critically Endangered Insular Pitviper Species of Brazil. South American Journal of Herpetology [acesse aqui]

Abreu-Jardim, TPF; Jardim, L; Ballesteros-Mejia, L; Maciel, NM; Collevatti, RG. Predicting impacts of global climatic change on genetic and phylogeographical diversity of a Neotropical treefrog. Diversity & Distributions [acesse aqui]

Agostinho, KFF; Monteiro, LR; Di Beneditto, APM. Individual niche trajectories in nesting green turtles on Rocas Atoll, Brazil: an isotopic tool to assess diet shifts over time. Biota Neotropica [acesse aqui]

Aguiar, A; Morais, ADH; Silva, LAF; dos Anjos, LA; Foster, OC; da Silva. Biodiversity of anuran endoparasites from a transitional area between the Atlantic Forest and Cerrado biomes in Brazil: new records and remarks. Zootaxa [acesse aqui]

Alencar, LRV; Quental, TB. Linking population‐level and microevolutionary processes to understand speciation dynamics at the macroevolutionary scale. Ecology and Evolution [acesse aqui]

Almeida-Santos, SM; Santos, T; Lobo, LM. Mating in free-ranging Neotropical rattlesnakes, Crotalus durissus: Is it risky for males? Herpetology Notes [acesse aqui]

Alves-Ferreira, G; da Paixão, IBF; Nomura, F. Morphological characterization and diversity of tadpoles (Amphibia: Anura) at Emas National Park and its surrounding, Goiás State, Brazil. Biota Neotropica [acesse aqui]

Anaissi, JSC; Costa-Campos, CE. First record of tail bifurcation and hindlimb malformation in Gonatodes humeralis (Guichenot, 1855) (Squamata, Gekkonidae) from the Amazonian region of northern Brazil. Herpetology Notes [acesse aqui]

Andreani, TL; Bastos, RP; Dias, TM; Prado, CPA; Morais, AR. Acoustic variability among male gladiator frogs, Boana goiana (Lutz, 1968) (Anura: Hylidae): an 18-year analysis across several reproductive seasons. Amphibia-Reptilia [acesse aqui]

Angiolani-Larrea, F; de Fraga, R; Mortati, A; Ribeiro, S. Sex-dependent divergence in asymmetrical reproductive tract morphology between two closely-related amphisbaenian species (Squamata: Amphisbaenidae). Amphibia-Reptilia [acesse aqui]

Araújo, KC; Machado, HTS; Pereira, OA; Guzzi, A. Dendropsophus minusculus (Rivero’s Tiny Treefrog). Agonistic Interaction. Herpetological Review [acesse aqui]

Araújo, SMC; Costa, CA; Santos, AJS; Sena, FP; Silva, RA; de Andrade, EBTrachemys adiutrix (Maranhão Slider). Geographic distribution Notes. Herpetological Review [acesse aqui]

Avila-Pires, TCS; Vitt, LJ. Hiding and nesting behavior of Stenocercus roseiventris Duméril & Bibron, 1837 (Reptilia: Tropiduridae). Herpetologia Brasileira [acesse aqui]

Azevedo, WS; Franco, FL; Thomassen, H; de Castro, TM; Abegg, AD; Leite, FSF; Battilana, J; Grazziotin, FG. Reassessment of Tantilla boipiranga (Serpentes: Colubrinae) and a preliminary approach to the phylogenetic affinities within Tantilla. Salamandra [acesse aqui]

Balestra, RAM; Luz, VLF. RAN: 40 anos conservando a herpetofauna brasileira. Herpetologia Brasileira [acesse aqui]

Bandeira, LN; Villalobos, F; Werneck, FP; Peterson, AT; Anciães, M. Different elevational environments dictate contrasting patterns of niche evolution in Neotropical Pithecopus treefrog species. Biotropica [acesse aqui]

Barata, IM; Griffiths, RA; Fogell, DJ; Buxton, AS. Comparison of eDNA and visual surveys for rare and cryptic bromeliad-dwelling frogs. The Herpetological Journal [acesse aqui]

Batista, DS; Cavalheri, DG; Pelegrini, S; Assalim, AM; Kuniy, AAK; Mângia, S. Predation attempt on Dermatonotus muelleri (Boettger, 1885) (Anura: Microhylidae) by Caracara plancus (Miller, 1777) (Aves: Falconidae) with a new defensive behavior reported. Herpetologia Brasileira [acesse aqui]

Bertoluci, J; Sawakuchi, HO; Ortiz, C; Brassaloti, RA; Ribeiro-Júnior, JW; Famelli, S. Anuran fauna of the Parque Estadual Carlos Botelho - Núcleo Sete Barras, southeastern Brazil: species composition, use of breeding sites, and seasonal patterns of breeding activity. Biota Neotropica [acesse aqui]

Bilce, TM; Monteiro, LB; Coêlho, TA; De Souza, DC. Predation of the snake Drymoluber dichrous (Peters, 1863) (Serpentes: Colubridae) by the spider Theraphosa blondi (Latreille, 1804) (Araneae: Theraphosidae) in the Brazilian Amazon. Herpetology Notes [acesse aqui]

Blotto, BL; Lyra, ML; Cardoso, MSC; Rodrigues, MT; Dias, IR; Marciano‐Jr, E; Dal Vechio, F; Orrico, VGD; Brandão, RA; de Assis, CL; Lantyer‐Silva, ASF; Rutherford, MG: Gagliardi‐Urrutia, G; Solé, M; Baldo, D; Nunes, I;  Cajade, R; Orrico, VGD; Torres, A; Grant, T; Jungfer, KH, da Silva,HR; Haddad, CFB; Faivovich, J. The phylogeny of the Casque‐headed Treefrogs (Hylidae: Hylinae: Lophyohylini). Cladistics [acesse aqui]

Bomfim, AC; de Farias, DSD; Silva, FJL; Rossi, S; Gavilan, SA; Santana, VGS; Pontes, CB. Long-term monitoring of marine turtle nests in northeastern Brazil. Biota Neotropica [acesse aqui]

Botelho, LM; Pedrozo, M; Moroti, MT; Muscat, E. Predation of Hylodes phyllodes (Anura: Hylodidae) by Trechaleoides sp. (Araneae: Trechaleidae). Herpetologia Brasileira [acesse aqui]

Brasileiro, AC. Tail bifurcation in Tropidurus hispidus (Spix, 1825) and Copeoglossum nigropunctatum (Spix, 1825). Herpetology Notes [acesse aqui]

Brito-de-Carvalho, C; de Oliveira, JP; de Freitas, EB; Costa, NQ; dos Anjos, SF; de Arruda, FV. Colobosaura modesta (Bahia Colobosaura). Predation. Herpetological Review [acesse aqui]

Brito, ES; Martins, FI; Pavan, D; de Ataídes, AG; do Prado, TL; Barreirinha, JP; Malvasio, APodocnemis unifilis (Yellow-spotted River Turtle). Diet. Herpetological Review [acesse aqui]

Campos, Z; Muniz, F; Magnusson, WE; Mourão, G. Effects of the Belo Monte hydro-electric-dam complex on crocodilians in the Xingu River, Brazilian Amazonia. Amphibia-Reptilia [acesse aqui]

Camargo, ICM; Veras, JCP; Ribeiro, S; Kawashita-Ribeiro, RA; de Fraga, R; Santos-Junior, AP. Sexual dimorphism in the South American water snake Helicops polylepis (Serpentes: Dipsadidae). Journal of Herpetology [acesse aqui]

Camurugi, F; Gehara, M; Fonseca, EM; Zamudio, KR; Haddad, CFB; Colli, GR; Thomé, MTC; Prado, CPA; Napoli, MF; Garda, AA. Isolation by environment and recurrent gene flow shaped the evolutionary history of a continentally distributed Neotropical treefrog. Journal of Biogeography [acesse aqui]

Carvalho, TR; Seger, KR; Magalhães, FM; Lourenço, LB; Haddad, CFB. Systematics and cryptic diversification of Leptodactylus frogs in the Brazilian campo rupestre. Zoologica Scripta [acesse aqui]

Castro, KMSA; Amado, TF; Olalla-Tárraga, MA; Gouveia, SF; Navas, CA; Martinez, PA. Water constraints drive allometric patterns in the body shape of tree frogs. Scientific Reports [acesse aqui]

Cavalheri, DG; Carvalho, PS; Santana, DJ. Defensive repertory of Pseudoeryx plicatilis (Linnaeus, 1758) in the Pantanal, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Cuadernos de Herpetología [acesse aqui]

Cavalheri, DG; Siqueira, RMS; Brasil-Godinho, M; Fadel, RM; Trevine, V; Sartori, LP; Santana, DJ. Herpetofauna in a secondary Atlantic Forest fragment in Itanhaém municipality, Southeastern Brazil. Herpetology Notes [acesse aqui]

Centeno, FC; Vivancos, A; Andrade, DV. Reproductive Biology and Sexual Dimorphism in Bokermannohyla alvarengai (Anura: Hylidae). Herpetologica [acesse aqui]

Ceron, K; Severgnini, MR; Provete, DB. Boas práticas na análise de séries temporais em herpetologia. Herpetologia Brasileira. [acesse aqui]

Ceron, K; Mângia, S; Guedes, T; Alvares, DJ; Neves, MO; Moroti, MT; Torello, N; Borges-Martins, M. Ecological Niche Explains the Sympatric Occurrence of Lined Ground Snakes of the Genus Lygophis (Serpentes, Dipsadidae) in the South American Dry Diagonal. Herpetologia [acesse aqui]

Citeli, N; de-Carvalho, M; Bezerra, AM; Klaczko, J. Allopatric Speciation. Livro: Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior [acesse aqui]

Citeli, N; de-Carvalho, M; Bezerra, AM; Klaczko, J. Paraphyletic. Livro: Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior [acesse aqui]

Coelho, DP; Martins, M; Guimarães Jr, PR. Network analyses reveal the role of large snakes in connecting feeding guilds in a species-rich Amazonian snake community. Ecology and Evolution [acesse aqui]

Coeti, RZ; Antoniazzi, MM; Sánchez, R; Almeida-Santos, SM. Sperm storage in coral snakes: A spermatozoa ultrastructural approach (Serpentes: Elapidae). Zoologischer Anzeiger [acesse aqui]

Condez, TH; Monteiro, JPC; Malagoli, LR; Trevine, VC; Schunck, F; Garcia, PCA; Haddad, CFB. Notes on the Hyperossified Pumpkin Toadlets of the Genus Brachycephalus (Anura: Brachycephalidae) with the Description of a New Species. Herpetologica [acesse aqui]

Corrêa, BAAP; de Sena, VMA; Matsushita, RH; Citeli, NK. Report of envenomation in humans by handling a dyeing poison frog Dendrobates tinctorius (SCHNEIDER, 1799) (Anura: Dendrobatidae) in the Amazon, Brazil.  Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical [acesse aqui]

Costa, MT; Castro, LRB; de Carvalho, AV; Pessano, EFC. Hypomelanism in Dipsas turgida Cope, 1868 (Serpentes: Dipsadidae) from Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. Herpetology Notes [acesse aqui]

Cunha, FAG; Fagundes, CK; Brito, ES; Vogt, RC; Maffei, F; Pezzuti, J; Félix-Silva, D; Rojas-Runjaic, FJM; Lasso, CA; Morales-Betancourt, MA; De Carvalho, VT; Do Amaral, JV; Balestra, RAM; Acácio, M; Malvasio, A; Lustosa, APG. Distribution of Chelus fimbriata and Chelus orinocensis (Testudines: Chelidae). Chelonian Conservation and Biology [acesse aqui]

D´Angiolella, AB; Alves, DS; Sodré, D; Leite, L; Phalan, B; Nascimento, LRS; Diele-Viegas, LM. New occurrence records of Lepidodactylus lugubris (Duméril & Bibron, 1836) (Squamata: Gekkonidae) for the amazon and atlantic forest in Brazil. Cuadernos de Herpetología [acesse aqui]

da Costa, MKB; Alves, RRN; Navonia, JA; Freire, EMX. Ethnozoology of snakebite victims in a risk area in Northeast Brazil. Toxicon [acesse aqui]

da Fonte, LFM; Lisboa, CS; Machado, IF. Notícias de Conservação - Obrigado, Débora!. Herpetologia Brasileira [acesse aqui]

da Rocha, SMC; Lima, AP; Kaefer, IL. Key roles of paternal care and climate on offspring survival of an Amazonian poison frog. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências [acesse aqui]

da Silva, AS; da Silva, EF; Amaral, JMS; Barbosa, VN; França, FGR. Bothrops leucurus (White-tailed Lancehead). DIET. Herpetological Review [acesse aqui]

da Silva, KB; Frediani, MH: Angrimani, DSR: Coeti, RZ; Pereira, RJG; Nichi, M; Almeida‐Santos, SM. Short‐term cold storage of seminal samples of the golden lancehead pitviper (Bothrops insularis). Zoo Biology. [acesse aqui]

da Silva, LC; Cotta, GA; de Resende, FC. Cobra coral: aplicativo educativo para reconhecimento das cobras corais do Estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil. Herpetologia Brasileira [acesse aqui]

da Silva, TF; Farina, RK; Tozetti, AM. Leptodactylus latrans (Butter Frog). Defensive Behavior. Herpetological Review [acesse aqui]

da Silva, TL; Andrade, H; Dantas, WM; Dias, EJR. Lygodactylus klugei (Smith et al., 1977) as a fruit eater on the cactus Cereus jamacaru DC. subsp. jamacaru in the Caatinga of northeastern Brazil (Squamata: Gekkonidae). Herpetology Notes [acesse aqui]

da Silva, TL; Carvalho, GDS; Xavier, MA; Lima, JO; Dias, EJR. First record of Tropidurus semitaeniatus (Squamata: Tropiduridae) ingesting a fruit of the cactus Pilosocereus catingicola in northeastern Brazil. Herpetology Notes [acesse aqui]

das Neves-da-Silva, D; Borges-Júnior, VNT; Branco, CWC; de Carvalho-e-Silva, AMPT. Effects of intrinsic and extrinsic factors on the prevalence of the fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Chytridiomycota) in stream tadpoles in the Atlantic Forest domain. Aquatic Ecology [acesse aqui]

Dal Vechio, F; Prates, I; Grazziotin,FG; Graboski, R; Rodrigues, MT. Molecular and phenotypic data reveal a new Amazonian species of pit vipers (Serpentes: Viperidae: Bothrops). Journal of Natural History [acesse aqui]

Damasceno, RP; Carnaval, AC; Sass, C; Recoder, RS; Moritz, C; Rodrigues, MT. Geographic restriction, genetic divergence, and morphological disparity in the Brazilian Atlantic Forests: Insights from Leposoma lizards (Gymnophthalmidae, Squamata). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution [acesse aqui]

Dayrell , JS; Magnusson, WE; Bobrowiec, PED; Lima, AP. Impacts of an Amazonian hydroelectric dam on frog assemblages. PlosOne [acesse aqui]

de Almeida, AP; Moraes, LJCL; Rojas, RR; Roberto, IJ; de Carvalho, VT; Avila, RW; Frazão, L; Silva, AAA; Menin, M; Werneck, FP; Hrbek, T; Farias, IP; Gordo, M. Phylogenetic relationships of the poorly known treefrog Boana hobbsi (Cochran & Goin, 1970) (Anura: Hylidae), systematic implications and remarks on morphological variations and geographic distribution. Zootaxa [acesse aqui]

de Almeida, FG; Guimarães, LSF; Fonseca, AO; de Oliveira, PR; Mendes, SS. Influence of pesticides in reproductive aspects of Tropidurus torquatus in Minas Gerais, Brazil. Environmental Science and Pollution Research [acesse aqui]

de Azevedo, TM; Bahia, MVS; Calixto, PO; Leivas, PT. Scinax fuscovarius (Snouted Treefrog) and Leptodactylus podicipinus (Pointed-belly Frog). MALFORMATIONS. Herpetological Review [acesse aqui]

de Azevedo, TM; Leivas, PT. Boana punctata (Polka-Dot Treefrog). Anophthalmia. Herpetological Review [acesse aqui]

de Azevedo, TM; Leivas, PT. Itapotihyla langsdorfii (Ocellated Treefrog). Anophthalmia. Herpetological Review. [acesse aqui]

de Figueiredo, VAMB; Silva-Santos, E; Tavares-Pinheiro, R; Luz, HR; Costa-Campos, CE. First record of Imantodes cenchoa (Linnaeus, 1758) (Reptilia: Dipsadidae) as hosts of Amblyomma dissimile (Acari: Ixodidae) in the Eastern Amazon, Brazil. Herpetology Notes [acesse aqui]

de Figueiredo, VAMB; Tavares-Pinheiro, R; Lopes, AG; Pedroso-Santos, F; Sanches, PR; Sousa, JC; dos Santos, JP; Lima, JD; Lima, JRF; Costa-Campos, CE. First records of Scinax ruberoculatus Ferrão, Fraga, Moravec, Kaefer & Lima, 2018 (Anura, Hylidae) in the state of Amapá, eastern Amazon, Brazil, with comments on its vocalization and distribution. CheckList [acesse aqui]

de Gregorio, LS; Franco-Belussi, L; De Oliveira, C. Leukocyte Profile of Tadpoles and Juveniles of Lithobates catesbeianus Shaw, 1802 (Anura) and the Effects of Nonylphenol and Cyproterone Acetate. South American Journal of Herpetology [acesse aqui]

de Lima, GCF; Pereira, A; Santos, S; dos Santos, TG. Parasitism of Lernaea cyprinacea on wild tadpoles: new interactions and first records in Brazil. Herpetology Notes [acesse aqui]

de Oliveira, MC; Duarte, RG; da Silva, EG; Teles, DA; Filho, JAA; Almeida, WO. First record of Tropidurus hispidus (Squamata: Tropiduridae) predation by Erythrolamprus poecilogyrus (Colubridae). Herpetology Notes [acesse aqui]

de Oliveira, FFR; Gehara, M; Solé, M; Lyra, ML; Haddadd, DFB; Silva, DP; de Magalhães, RF; Leite, FSF; Burbrink, FT. Quaternary climatic fluctuations influence the demographic history of two species of sky-island endemic amphibians in the Neotropics. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution [acesse aqui]

de Oliveira, PR; Santos, JFL; dos Santos, JAD; de Sousa, BM. Morphological and biological variations of the glass snake Ophiodes striatus (Spix, 1825) (Squamata, Anguidae) from southeastern Brazil. Anais da Academia de Ciências [acesse aqui]

de Sousa, GP; de Oliveira, CM; Ferreira, RNC; Roberto, IJ; Ribeiro, SC. Lygodactylus klugei (Kluge’s Dwarf Gecko). ECTOPARASITES. Herpetological Review [acesse aqui]


de Sousa-Neto, IN; Gomes, VGN; Quirino, ZGM. Frugivory by Tropidurus hispidus (Squamata: Tropiduridae) on the cactus Pilosocereus pachycladus in the Brazilian Caatinga. Journal of Herpetology [acesse aqui]

de Souza, FC. Rhinella proboscidea. Defensive Behavior. Herpetological Review [acesse aqui]

de Souza, FC; da Silva, ALF; dos Anjos, CS; Estevinho, TF; Lisboa, MO; Menin, M. New records of morphological anomalies in anurans, with a review for Brazil. Herpetology Notes [acesse aqui]

Deforel, F; Duport-Bru, AS; Rosset, SD; Baldo, D; Candioti, FV. Osteological Atlas of Melanophryniscus (Anura, Bufonidae): A Synthesis after 150 Years of Skeletal Studies in the Genus. Herpetological Monographs [acesse aqui]

Deolindo, V; Koch, C; Joshi, M; Martins, A. To move or not to move? Skull and lower jaw morphology of the blindsnake Afrotyphlops punctatus (Leach, 1819) (Serpentes, Typhlopoidea, Typhlopidae) with comments on its previously advocated cranial kinesis. The Anatomical Record [acesse aqui]

Dias, EG; Silva, JF; da Costa, EF: dos Santos, EM. Frostius pernambucensis (Frost’s Toad). PREDATION.. Herpetological Review [acesse aqui]

Dias, PHS; Candioti, FV; Sabbag, AF; Colaço, G; da Silva, HR; Haddad, CFP; de Carvalho-e-Silva, AMPT; Grant, T. Life on the edge: Tadpoles of Cycloramphidae (Amphibia; Anura), anatomy, systematics, functional morphology, and comments on the evolution of semiterrestrial tadpoles. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research [acesse aqui]

Dias, TM; Prado, CPA; Bastos, RP. Reproductive ecology and territorial behavior of Boana goiana (Anura: Hylidae), a gladiator frog from the Brazilian Cerrado. Zoologia [acesse aqui]

Dias-Silva, F; Mattedi, C; Pontes, RC; Pereira, EA. Predation on the treefrog Trachycephalus typhonius (Linnaeus, 1758) by a vine snake (genus Chironius) in the Amazon rainforest of northern Brazil. Herpetology Notes [acesse aqui]

Diele-Viegas LM; Araújo, OGS; Berneck, BM; Brasileiro, CA; Brito, ES; Brunes, TO; Condez, TH; Costa, LC; Dias-Silva, F; Fenker, J; Freire, EMX; Iop,S; Lucas, EM; Mongin-Aquino, M; Monteiro, JPC; Montesinos, R; Morcatty, TQ; Nascimento, LB; Oswald, CB; Pirani, RM; del Prette, ACH; Ramalho, Q; de Souza, E; Targino, M; Thomé, MTC; Vasconcelos, BD; Vasconcellos, MM; Werneck, FP; Wiederhecker, HC; Winck, GR; Zina, J; Lourenço, ACC e 567 assinaturas. When misinterpretation leads to sexism: perspectives on gender disparity in Brazilian Herpetology. Herpetologia Brasileira. [acesse aqui]

Dornas, T; da Silva, MCH; Silva, WP; Malvasio, A. Riqueza e composição, lacunas de conhecimento e conservação dos crocodilianos do estado do Tocantins, ecótono Amazônia/Cerrado, Brasil. Cuadernos de Herpetología [acesse aqui]

dos Anjos, CS; de Souza, FC; Costa, GN; Malta, JCO; Zuanon, JAS. Tadpoles of Boana geographica (Spix, 1824) (Anura: Hylidae) parasitised by Argulus sp. (Branchiura: Argulidae) in a Central Amazonia forest stream. Herpetology Notes [acesse aqui]

dos Santos, CGA; Assis, RA; Borges, RE; Benvindo-Souza, M; Santos, LRS. Predation attempt of Physalaemus marmoratus (Reinhardt and Lütken, 1862) (Anura: Leptodactylidae) by Leptodactylus latrans (Steffen, 1815) (Anura: Leptodactylidae) at Rio Verde, Goiás State, Brazil. Herpetology Notes [acesse aqui]

dos Santos, LAS; Souza, UF; Santos, AGMMF; Junior, JAMS; Guimarães, FPBB; de Moura, GJB; Tinôco, MS. Rupirana Cardosoi. Death Feigning. Herpetological Review [acesse aqui]

dos Santos, RKC; Citeli, NK; da Silva, EML; Otero, GM; Barreto-Lima, AF; Brandão, RA; de-Carvalho, M. Reptiles preyed by the Burrowing owl (Athene cunicularia): new records and current knowledge in South America. Heringeriana [acesse aqui]

Dos Santos, RL; Correia, JMS; Paim, APS; de Oliveira, LLSS; Diniz, GTN; dos Santos, EM. Metallic elements in aquatic herpetofauna (Crocodylia; Testudines) from a lentic Atlantic rainforest environment in northeastern Brazil. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment [acesse aqui]

Dubeux, MJM; Goncalves, RO. Enyalius catenatus (Wied’s Fathead Anole) and Strobilurus torquatus (Spiny-tail Lizard). Predation. Herpetological Review [acesse aqui]

Echevarría, LY; De La Riva, I; Venegas, PJ; Rojas‐Runjaic, FJM; Dias, IR; Castroviejo‐Fisher, S. Total evidence and sensitivity phylogenetic analyses of egg‐brooding frogs (Anura: Hemiphractidae). Cladistics [acesse aqui]

Elias-Costa, AJ; Araujo-Vieira, K; Faivovich, J. Evolution of the strikingly diverse submandibular muscles in Anura. Cladistics [acesse aqui]

Entiauspe-Neto, OM; Abegg, AD; Koch, C; Nuñez, LP; Azevedo, WS; Moraes, LJCL; Tiutenko, A; Bialves, TS; Loebmann, D. A new species of Erythrolamprus (Serpentes: Dipsadidae: Xenodontini) from the savannas of northern South America. Salamandra [acesse aqui]

Entiauspe-Neto, OM; Koch, C; Gray, RJ; Tiutenko, A; Loebmann, D; Guedes, TB. Taxonomic status of Apostolepis tertulianobeui Lema, 2004 based on an integrative revision of Apostolepis assimilis (Reinhardt, 1861) (Serpentes: Dipsadidae). Zoologischer Anzeiger. [acesse aqui]

Entiauspe-Neto, OM; Koch, C; Harvey, MB; Colli, GR; Guedes, TB. Redescription of Apostolepis ambiniger (Peters, 1869) (Serpentes: Dipsadidae: Elapomorphini). Vertebrate Zoology [acesse aqui]

Esquerré, D; Donnellan, SC; Pavón-Vázquez, CJ; Fenker, J; Keogh, JS. Phylogeography, historical demography and systematics of the world’s smallest pythons (Pythonidae, Antaresia). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution [acesse aqui]

Faivovich, J; Pinheiro, PDP; Lyra, ML; Pereyra, MO; Baldo, D; Muñoz, A; Reichle, S; Brandão, RA; Giaretta, AA; Thomé, MTC; Chaparro, JC; Baêta, D; Widholzer,RL; Baldon, J; Lehro, E; Wheeler, WC; Garcia, PCA; Haddadd, CFB. Phylogenetic relationships of the Boana pulchella Group (Anura: Hylidae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution [acesse aqui]

Fanali, LZ; Freitas, JS; Franco-Belussi, L; Taboga, SR; de Oliveira, C. Liver description in three neotropical anuran species: from anatomy to ultrastructure. Acta Zoologica [acesse aqui]

Fenker, J; McCulloch, GA; Vasconcellos, MM; Silva, DC; Domingos, FMCB. Digest: Dispersal reduction drives rapid diversification in alpine grasshoppers. Evolution [acesse aqui]

Fenker, J; Tedeschi, JG; Melville, J; Moritz, C. Predictors of Phylogeographic Structure among co-distributed taxa across the complex Australian Monsoonal Tropics. Molecular Ecology [acesse aqui]

Ferreira, AC; Klaczko, J; Martins, A. Hemipenial morphology of Epictia vellardi (Laurent, 1984) (Leptotyphlopidae, Serpentes) with the proposition and discussion of two general hemipenial patterns within the genus Epictia. Zoomorphology [acesse aqui]

Ferreira, JS; Serra, RTA; Silva, AFC; Andrade, GV; Weber, LN. First record of Pipa carvalhoi (Miranda-Ribeiro, 1937) (Anura, Pipidae) in the Cerrado biome, western Bahia, northeastern Brazil. Herpetology Notes [acesse aqui]

Figueiredo, MSL; Weber, MM; Brasileiro, CA; Cerqueira, R; Grelle, CEV; Jenkins, CN; Solidade, CV;

Thomé, MTC; Vale, MM; Lorini, ML. Tetrapod Diversity in the Atlantic Forest: Maps and Gaps. The Atlantic Forest book [acesse aqui]

Figueiredo, VAMB; Tavares-Pinheiro, R; Sanches, PR; Pedroso-Santos, FP; Sousa, JC; Corrêa, JG; França, PF; Costa-Campos, CE. Spaenorhynchus lacteus (Orinoco Lime Treefrog) and Dendropsophus haraldschultzi (Harald’s Treefrog). MICROHABITAT USE. Herpetological Review [acesse aqui]

Filho, LMC; Sena, M; Souza, C; Delabie, JHC; Solé, M. Diet and observations on natural history of Gabohyla pauloalvini (Bokermann 1973) (Amphibia: Hylidae), a poorly known species from cacao agroforestry in southern Bahia, Brazil. Tropical Ecology [acesse aqui]

Flynn, CN; dos Sants, R; Canedo, C; Rocha, CFD; Oliveira, JCF. Ischnocnema abdita. Clutch size. Herpetological Review [acesse aqui]

Folly, M; de Luna-Dias, C; Miguel, IR; Ferreira Jr, JC; Machado, A; Lopes, RT; Pombal Jr, P. Tiny steps towards greater knowledge: An osteological review with novel data on the Atlantic Forest toadlets of the Brachycephalus ephippium species group. Acta Zoologica [acesse aqui]

Folly, M; Woitovicz-Cardoso, M; Canedo, C; Nogueira-Costa, P; Pombal, JP Jr. How long does it take to know a species? Redescription, vocalization, and chigger mites infestation pattern in the centenary Brachycephalus garbeanus (Anura: Brachycephalidae). Zootaxa [acesse aqui]

Fonseca, E; Zanz, C; Cechin, SZ; Both, C. Reptile pet trade in Brazil: A regulatory approach to sustainable biodiversity conservation. Conservation Science and Practice [acesse aqui]

Fouquet, A; Leblanc, K; Framit, M; Réjaud, A; Rodrigues, MT; Castroviejo-Fisher, S; Peloso, PLV; Prates, I; Manzi, S; Suescun, U; Baroni, S; Moraes, LJCL; Recoder, R; de Souza, SM; Dal Vecchio, F; Camacho, A; Ghellere, JM; Rojas-Runjaic, FKJM; Gagliardi-Urrutia, G; de Carvalho, VT; Gordo, M; Menin, M; Kok, PJR; Hrbek, T; Werneck, FP; Crawford, AJ; Ron, SR; Mueses-Cisneros, JJ; Zamora, RRR; Pavan, D; Simões, PI; Ernst, R; Fabre, AC. Species diversity and biogeography of an ancient frog clade from the Guiana Shield (Anura: Microhylidae: AdelastesOtophryneSynapturanus) exhibiting spectacular phenotypic diversification. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society [acesse aqui]

Gazoni, T; Lyra, ML; Ron, SR; Strüssmann, C; Baldo, D; Narimatsu, H; Pansonato, A; Schneider, RG; Giaretta, AA; Haddad, CFB; Parise-Maltempi, PP; Carvalho, TR. Revisiting the systematics of the Leptodactylus melanonotus group (Anura: Leptodactylidae): Redescription of L. petersii and revalidation of its junior synonyms. Zoologischer Anzeiger [acesse aqui]

Gendler, JLPL; de Souza, LN; Marques, OAV; Miyaji, KT; Medeiros, CR. Bites by Xenodon merremii (Wagler, 1824) and Xenodon neuwiedii (Günther, 1863) in São Paulo, Brazil: a retrospective observational study of 163 cases. Toxicon [acesse aqui]

Gonçalves, GL; Medina, DS; Grondona, KEB; Santos, ALQ; Mahecha, GAB. Topographic Relationships of the Peritoneal Canal of Testudines, Crocodylia, and Aves: Evolutionary Implications. South American Journal of Herpetology [acesse aqui]

Gonzalez, RC; Guedes, TB; Passos, P. Back in time to unlock the future: tracing the type-specimens of Corallus hortulana (Linnaeus, 1758) (Serpentes: Boidae), with designation of a lectotype for the Amazon tree boa. Zootaxa [acesse aqui]

Grosso, J; Fratani, J; Fontanarrosa, G; Chuliver, M; Duport-Bru, AS; Schneider, RG; Casagranda, MD; Ferraro, DP; Vicente, N; Salica, MJ; Pereyra, L; Medina, RG; Bessa, C; Semhan, R; Vera, MC. Male homophily in South American herpetology: one of the major processes underlying the gender gap in publications. Amphibia-Reptilia [acesse aqui]

Guarabyra, B; Bezerra, AM; Antunes, AF; Carvalho-e-Silva, SP. Diet, reproductive biology, and ecological interactions of Fritziana goeldii (Anura: Hemiphractidae). Journal of Herpetology [acesse aqui]

Guedes, TB. A Matryoshka of scales: a single specimen reveals multiple new aspects of diet and distribution of snakes. Herpetology Notes. [acesse aqui]

Guedes, TB; Oliveira, G. Rediscovery of the snake Siphlophis pulcher (Raddi, 1820) (Serpentes: Dipsadidae: Pseudoboini) in the state of Paraná, southern Brazil. Herpetologia Brasileira [acesse aqui]

Guimarães, SM; de Almeida, LG; Lacerda, PD; Nunes, LA; Amorim, CES; Baldassin, P; Burato, M; Werneck, MR. Distribution and potential causes of sea turtle strandings in the state of Rio de Janeiro, southern Brazil. Herpetological Conservation and Biology [acesse aqui]

Guimarães, SO; Woitovicz-Cardoso, M. Batrachophagy in Boana semilineata (Spix, 1824) (Anura: Hylidae). Herpetology Notes [acesse aqui]

Hudson, AA; Curcio, FF; de Sousa, BM; Marques, OAV. The South American false coral snake Erythrolamprus aesculapii (Serpentes: Dipsadidae) as a possible mimic of Micrurus averyi (Serpentes: Elapidae) in Central Amazonia. Journal of Herpetology [acesse aqui]

Iop, S; dos Santos, TG; Cechin, SZ; Vélez-Martin, E; Pillar, VD; Prado, PI. The interplay between local and landscape scales on the density of pond-dwelling anurans in subtropical grasslands. Biotropica [acesse aqui]

Jared, C; Mailho‐Fontana, PL; Antoniazzi, MM. Differences between poison and venom: An attempt at an integrative biological approach. Acta Zoologica [acesse aqui]

Jorge, JS; Sales, RFD; Silva, VTC; Freire, EMX. Lizards and bromeliads in the Neotropics: literature review and relevance of this association to conservation. Symbiosis [acesse aqui]

Kellermann, AL; Scalon-Luchese, M; Vieira, RC; Brack, IV; Verrastro, L. Local extinction of Tropidurus catalanensis caused by plantation forestry in the Pampas of Brazil. Herpetological Conservation and Biology [acesse aqui]

Kirchhof, S; Lyra, ML; Rodríguez, A; Ineich, I; Müller, J; Rödel, MO; Trape, JF; Vences, M; Boissinot, S. Mitogenome analyses elucidate the evolutionary relationships of a probable Eocene wet tropics relic in the xerophile lizard genus Acanthodactylus. Scientific Reports [acesse aqui]

Kloh, JS; Figueredo, CC; Eterovick, PC. Tadpole dance: the gymnastics of Ololygon machadoi larvae to feed on pollen. Salamandra [acesse aqui]

Koch, C; Martins, A; Joshi, M; Pinto, RR; Passos, P. Osteology of the enigmatic threadsnake species Epictia unicolor and Trilepida guayaquilensis (Serpentes, Leptotyphlopidae) with generic insights. The Anatomical Record [acesse aqui]

La Laila, DZ; Nekaris, KAI; Nijman, V; Morkatty, TQ. Illegal online pet trade in venomous snakes and the occurrence of snakebites in Brazil. Toxicon [acesse aqui

Lacerda, JVA; Ferreira, RB; Araujo-Vieira, K; Zocca, C; Lourenço, ACCA. New Species of Scinax Wagler (Amphibia, Anura, Hylidae) from the Atlantic Forest, Southeastern Brazil. Ichthyology & Herpetology [acesse aqui] e acesse o vídeo de divulgação aqui

Leite, AK; Fazolato, CB; Marques, JF; Bonfim, MS; Oliveira, MLT; Tinôco, MS; Moura, GJB. Conservação da Restinga: o projeto Calango do Abaeté. Herpetologia Brasileira [acesse aqui]

Lima, JHA; Dias, EG; Costa, RDL; Silva, FJ; Lima, ESM; dos Santos, EM; Kokubum, MNC. Lizards and snakes of Refúgio de Vida Silvestre Matas do Siriji, an Atlantic Forest hotspot of the Pernambuco Endemism Center, Northeastern Brazil. Biota Neotropica [acesse aqui]

Lima, LMC; Yves, A; de Almeida, VG; Neves, MO; de Sousa, BM. Anurans of a protected area from Mantiqueira Complex, Atlantic Forest of Minas Gerais state, Brazil. Biota Neotropica [acesse aqui]

Lima, IGS; Felix-Nascimento, G; Picelli, AM; Ribeiro, LB. Contagem diferencial e morfometria de células sanguíneas nos lagartos Ameivula ocellifera (Squamata: Teiidae) e Tropidurus hispidus (Squamata: Tropiduridae) do semiárido brasileiro, com análise dos efeitos por hemoparasitos. Cuadernos de Herpetología [acesse aqui]

Lima-Araujo, F; Brasileiro, AC; Carvalho, EFF; Passos, DC. Efficiency of photo identification of inguinal color patterns of Pithecopus gonzagai (Anura: Phyllomedusidae) from northeastern Brazil. Journal of Herpetology [acesse aqui]

Lima-Santos, J; Carvalho, JE; Brasileiro, CA. How sexual differences affect locomotor performance and metabolism of the Sword Snake: An integrated view from energetics. Journal of Zoology [acesse aqui]

Lira, I; Martins, A. Digging into blindsnakes' morphology: Description of the skull, lower jaw, and cervical vertebrae of two Amerotyphlops (Hedges et al., 2014) (Serpentes, Typhlopidae) with comments on the typhlopoidean skull morphological diversity. Anatomical Record [acesse aqui]

Lisboa, CS: Vaz, RI; Venturini, RC; Malagoli, LR; Barbo, FE; Brasileiro, CA. Herpetofauna from an Atlantic forest fragment in São Paulo, Brazil. Herpetological Conservation and Biology [acesse aqui]

Lopes, FB; Rodrigues, MLA; Silva, CSHS, Sartori, SSR. Identification of enteroendocrine cells of Tropidurus torquatus and Salvator merianae (Squamata: Lacertilia). Cuadernos de Herpetología [acesse aqui]

Lotto, NP; Modesto, JCA; Sant’Anna, SS; Grego, KF; Guarnieri, MC; Lira-da-Silva, RM; Santoro, ML; Oguiura, N. The absence of thrombin-like activity in Bothrops erythromelas venom is due to the deletion of the snake venom thrombin-like enzyme gene. PlosOne [acesse aqui]

Lourenço, ACC; Pereira, LR; Nascimento, BSM; de Oliveira, MAL; Costa, BM; Morais, ACJ; de Souza, RC; Cruz, JM; Peron, P; Herculano, KC; Procópio, LG; Feijó, BAG; Santos, SR; Martins, JPS; Souza, IM; Júnior, RA; Morais, JF. ZooVert Lab: conciliando pesquisa, educação e preservação ambiental. Herpetologia Brasileira [acesse aqui]

Lourenço-de-Moraes, R; Lisboa, BS; Drummond, LO; Moura, CCM; de Moura, GJB; Lyra, ML; Guarnieri, MC; Mott, T; Hoogmoed, MS; Santana, DJA New Species of the Genus Adelophryne (Anura: Eleutherodactylidae: Phyzelaphryninae) from the Atlantic Forest of Northeastern Brazil. Herpetologica [acesse aqui]

Maciel, AO; Prudente, ALC. Maximum length and notes on the habitat of Caecilia gracilis (Amphibia: Gymnophiona: Caeciliidae). Herpetologia Brasileira [acesse aqui]

Machado, HTS; Araújo, KC; Batista-Oliveira, D. Trachycephalus typhonius (Pepper Treefrog). Diet. Herpetological Review [acesse aqui]

Magalhães, FM; Marques, R; dos Santos, DF; de Magalhães, RF; Pezzuti, TL . Tadpole of Nyctimantis galeata (Anura: Hylidae: Lophyohylini), a narrow endemic casque-headed frog from Bahia, Brazil. Zootaxa [acesse aqui]


Magalhães, RF; Lemes, P; Santos, MTTl; Mol, RM; Ramos, EKS; Oswald, CB; Pezzuti, TL; Santos, FR; Brandão, RA; Garcia, PCA. Evidence of introgression in endemic frogs from the campo rupestre contradicts the reduced hybridization hypothesis. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society [acesse aqui]

Maia-Carneiro, T; Dorigo, TA; Kiefer, MC; Van Sluys, M; Rocha, CFD. Feeding Habits, Microhabitat Use, and Daily Activity Cycle of Adenomera marmorata (Anura, Leptodactylidae) in Two Brazilian Atlantic Forest Remnants. South American Journal of Herpetology [acesse aqui]

Mailho-Fontana, PL; Titon-Jr, B; Antoniazzi, MM; Gomes, FR; Jared, C. Skin and poison glands in toads (Rhinella) and their role in defence and water balance. Acta Zoologica [acesse aqui]

Malagoli, LR; Pezzuti, TL; Bang, DL; Faivovich, J; Lyra, ML; Giovanelli, JGR; Garcia, PCA; Sawaya, RJ; Haddad, CFB. A new reproductive mode in anurans: Natural history of Bokermannohyla astartea (Anura: Hylidae) with the description of its tadpole and vocal repertoire. PlosOne [acesse aqui]

Mângia, S; Oliveira, AFS; Péres-Júnior, AK; Correa, FS; Filho, HFS; Gomes, JO; Rodrigues, LC; De Queiroz, MHC; Ribeiro-Júnior, MA; Costa, MCS; Garda, AA. Ensamble de la herpetofauna em la región endémica de Belém, Estado de Pará, este del Amazonas, Brasil. Boletín de la Sociedad Zoológica del Uruguay [acesse aqui]

Manzano, MCR; Chagas, DG; Ferreira, JMS; Sawaya, RJ; Llusia, D. Reinforced acoustic divergence in two syntopic neotropical treefrogs. BioAcustics [acesse aqui]

Mamede, JL; Nomura, F. Dendropsophus minutus (Hylidae) tadpole evaluation of predation risk by fishing spiders (Thaumasia sp.: Pisauridae) is modulated by size and social environment. Journal of Ethology [acesse aqui]

Marcondes, BC; Silvares, D; Machado, IF; Godoy, E; Junior, RH; Coutinho, JE; Pamplin, PA; dos Santos, MRPithecopus ayeaye Lutz, 1966 em sua localidade tipo – Um projeto para entender as principais ameaças e perspectivas futuras para conservação. Herpetologia Brasileira [acesse aqui]

Martins, A; Koch, C; Joshi, M; Pinto, R; Machado, A; Lopes, R; Passos, P. Evolutionary treasures hidden in the West Indies: Comparative osteology and visceral morphology reveals intricate miniaturization in the insular genera Mitophis Hedges, Adalsteinsson, & Branch, 2009 and Tetracheilostoma Jan, 1861 (Leptotyphlopidae: Epictinae: Tetracheilostomina). The Anatomical Record [acesse aqui]

Martins, KS; Ortega, Z; Ferreira, VL. Calling site selection by male Boana punctata (Anura: Hylidae). Amphibia-Reptilia [acesse aqui]

Martins, RN; Menin, M. Natural history notes of Rhinella proboscidea (Anura, Bufonidae) from a non-flooded forest in central Amazon. Cuadernos de Herpetología [acesse aqui]

Mascarenhas, W; Oliveira, CR; Benício, RA; Ávila, RW; Ribeiro, SC. Nematodes of Proceratophrys ararype (Anura: Odontophrynidae), an endemic frog from the Araripe Plateau, northeastern Brazil. Biota Neotropica [acesse aqui]

Mathielo, RS; Vieira, IRB; Demonier, L; Silva-Soares, T. Oxyrhopus trigeminus (False Coral). CHROMATIC ANOMALY. Herpetological Review [acesse aqui]

Máximo, IM; Brandão, RA; Rugger, J; Toledo, LF. Amphibian illegal pet trade and a possible new case of an invasive exotic species in Brazil. Herpetological Conservation and Biology [acesse aqui]

Mejía, DP; Patrón, DF; Solé, M. A new spool-and-line attachment method to track short movements in phyllomedusid frogs (Anura: Phyllomedusidae). Herpetology Notes. [acesse aqui]

Melo, FS; Tavares-Pinheiro, R; Anaissi, JSC; Freire, EMX; Costa-Campos, CE. First record of the lizard Uranoscodon superciliosus (Linnaeus, 1758) in the diet of the snake Dendrophidion dendrophis (Schlegel, 1837) in Amapá State, Brazil. Herpetology Notes [acesse aqui]

Melo-Sampaio, PR; Passos, P; Martins, AR; Jennings, WB; Moura-Leite, JC; Morato, SAA; Venega, PJ; Chávez, G; Venâncio, NM; Souza, MB. A phantom on the trees: Integrative taxonomy supports a reappraisal of rear-fanged snakes classification (Dipsadidae: Philodryadini). Zoologischer Anzeiger [acesse aqui]

Melo‐Sampaio, PR; Passos, P; Prudente, ALC; Venegas, PV; Torres‐Carvajal, O. Systematic review of the polychromatic ground snakes Atractus snethlageae complex reveals four new species from threatened environments. Journal of Biological Systematics and Evolutionary Research [acesse aqui]

Menezes, VA; Amaral, V; Souza, VV; Rocha, CFD. Variation in feeding ecology of five cnemidophorine lizard species along Brazilian eastern coast. Cuadernos de Herpetología [acesse aqui

Miranda, KG; Goulart, MJ; Galdino, CB. Digit ratio in three species of tropidurid lizards. Herpetozoa [acesse aqui]

Montesinos, R; Jeckel, AM; Pavan, SE; Targino, MBokermannohyla gouveai (Itatiaia Treefrog). PARENTAL CARE. Herpetological Review [acesse aqui]

Moraes, LJCL; Lima, AP. A New Nurse Frog (Allobates, Aromobatidae) with a Cricket-Like Advertisement Call from Eastern Amazonia. Herpetologica [acesse aqui]

Moraes-da-Silva, A; Amaro, RA; Nunes, PMS; Rodrigues, MT; Curcio, FF. Long known, brand new, and possibly threatened: a new species of watersnake of the genus Helicops Wagler, 1828 (Serpentes; Xenodontinae) from the Tocantins-Araguaia River Basin, Brazil. Zootaxa [acesse aqui]

Moser, CF; Lingnau, R. Correspondence: Vocalization of the Sullen toad, Scythrophrys sawayae (Anura: Leptodactylidae: Paratelmatobiinae), from near its type locality, Paraná, Brazil. Salamandra [acesse aqui]

Motta, AP; Taucce, PPG; Haddad, CFB; Canedo, C. A new terraranan genus from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest with comments on the systematics of Brachycephaloidea (Amphibia: Anura). Journal of Biological Systematics and Evolutionary Research. [acesse aqui]  

Muscat, E; Mitsuo, R; Edrozo, M; Menegucci, R; Rotenberg, E; Moroti, MT; Sazima, I. Natural History of the large pit viper Bothrops jararacussu: habitat use, movement patterns, and Home range. Herpetological Conservation and Biology [acesse aqui]

Nino, K; Ribeiro, S; Santos, E. The curious, first record of cannibalism in Ameiva ameiva Linnaeus, 1758 (Squamata: Teiidae) in northeastern Brazil. Herpetology Notes [acesse aqui]

Novaes-e-Fagundes, G; Araujo-Vieira, K; Entiauspe-Neto, OM; Roverto, IJ; Orrico, VGD; Solé, M; Haddad, CFB; Loebmann, D. A new species of Scinax Wagler (Hylidae: Scinaxini) from the tropical forests of Northeastern Brazil. Zootaxa [acesse aqui]

Nunes, I; Guimarães, CS; Moura, PHAG; Pedrozo, M; Moroti, MT; Castro, LM; Stuginski, DR; Muscat, E. Hidden by the name: A new fluorescent pumpkin toadlet from the Brachycephalus ephippium group (Anura: Brachycephalidae). PlosOne [acesse aqui]

Oitaven, LPC; Barreto, DS; de Assunção, MM; Santos, JRO; Araújo, AP; de Moura, GJB. Herpetofauna of Marechal Newton Cavalcanti Instruction Center, a hotspot Atlantic Forest fragment in Pernambuco, north-eastern Brazil. Amphibian Reptile Conservation [acesse aqui]

Oliveira, JCF; dos Santos, R; Barros, LPV; Leite, M; Risse-Quaioto, B; Militão, CM; Fatorelli, P; Belmoch, FAL; Pombal Jr., JP; Rocha, CFD. Amphibians of Serra das Torres Natural Monument: a reservoir of biodiversity in the Atlantic Forest of southeastern Brazil. Biotropica [acesse aqui]

Oliveira, MFS; Vogt, RC; Moura, CEB; Magalhães, MSPodocnemis unifilis (Tracajá). OMPHALOCELE. Herpetological Review [acesse aqui]

Oliveira, MR; Braghirolli, FM; Lanés, LEK; Verrastro, L; Oliveira, GT. Evaluation of the Seasonal Variation of Parameters of Oxidative Status of Tropidurus catalanensis Gudynas and Skuk, 1983. South American Journal of Herpetology [acesse aqui]

Oliveira, PMA; de Mello, AVA; Dubeux, MJM; Oliveira, SBA; Lourenço, GF; Nunes, PMS. Herpetofauna of Matas de Água Azul, an Atlantic Forest remnant in Serra do Mascarenhas, Pernambuco state, Brazil. Biota Neotropica [acesse aqui]

Oliveira, PR; Santos, JFL; Santos, JAD; Sousa, BM. Morphological and biological variations of the glass snake Ophiodes striatus (Spix, 1825) (Squamata, Anguidae) from southeastern Brazil. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciência [acesse aqui]

Orrico, VGD; Grant, T; Faivovich, J; Rivera‐Correa, M; Rada, MA; Lyra, ML; Cassini, CS; Valdujo, PH; Schargel, WE; Machado, DJ; Wheeler, WC; Barrio‐Amorós, C; Loebmann, D; Moravec, J; Zina, J; Solé, M; Sturaro, MJ; Peloso, PLV; Suarez, P; Haddad, CFB. The phylogeny of Dendropsophini (Anura: Hylidae: Hylinae). Cladistics [acesse aqui]

Paixão, VHF; Gomes, VGN; Venticinque, EM. Florivory by lizards on Tacinga inamoena (K.Schum.) N.P.Taylor & Stuppy (Cactaceae) in the Brazilian Caatinga. Biota Neotropica [acesse aqui]

Palhares, WR; Moraes, LS; Brasileiro, CA. Scinax imbegue (Snouted Treefrog). Defencive Behavior. Herpetological Review [acesse aqui]

Paz, A; Brown, JL; Cordeiro, CLO; Aguirre‐Santoro, J; Assis, J; Amaro, RC; do Amaral, FR; Bochorny, T; Bacci, LF; Caddah, MK; d’Horta, F; Kaehler, M; Lyra, M; Grohmann, CH; Reginato, M; Silva‐Brandão, KL; Freitas, AVL; Goldenberg, R; Lohmann, LG; Michelangeli, FA; Miyaki, C; Rodrigues, MT; Silva, TS; Carnaval, AC. Environmental correlates of taxonomic and phylogenetic diversity in the Atlantic Forest. Journal of Biogeography [acesse aqui]

Pereira, AJCG; de Carvalho, VT; de Almeida, AP; Rojas, RR; Gordo, M; Frazão, L; Avila, RW; Menin, M. New records of the Horned toad (Rhinella ceratophrys): filling distribution gaps in lowland forests in the Brazilian Amazon. Herpetology Notes [acesse aqui]

Pereira, JV; Oliveira, RJ; Mascarenhas, CS; Müller, G. First record of Eustrongylides sp. (Nematoda: Dioctophymatidae) larvae parasitizing snakes in Neotropical region. Cuadernos de Herpetología [acesse aqui]

Pessoa, AM; Telles, MPC; Targueta, CP; Aird, SD; da Silva Jr, NJ. Development and Cross-Amplification of Microsatellite Markers for Micrurus surinamensis (Elapidae). Journal of Herpetology [acesse aqui]

Pinheiro, PDP; Pezzuti, T; Berneck, BvM; Lyra, ML; Lyma, RCL; Leite, FSF. A new cryptic species of the Aplastodiscus albosignatus group (Anura: Hylidae). Salamandra. [acesse aqui]

Pinto-Coelho, D; Martins, M; Guimarães Jr, PR. Network analyses reveal the role of large snakes in connecting feeding guilds in a species-rich Amazonian snake community. Ecology and Evolution [acesse aqui]

Pomar-Gómez, AD; Cordeiro, P; Guedes, TB; Passos, P. The striking endemism pattern of the species-richest snake genus Atractus (Dipsadidae: Serpentes) highlights the hidden diversity in the Andes. Amphibia-Reptilia. [acesse aqui]

Prates, I; D'Angiolella, AB; Rodrigues, MT; Melo‐Sampaio, PR; de Queiroz, K; Bell, RC. Evolutionary drivers of sexual signal variation in Amazon Slender Anoles. Journal of Biogeography [acesse aqui]

Provete, DB; Garey, MV; Picheli, KO; Mello, CM; Gonçalves, DS; Conte, CE; Rossa-Feres, DC. The Tadpoles and Advertisement Call of Trachycephalus imitatrix and T. dibernardoi (Anura: Hylidae). Journal of Herpetology [acesse aqui]

Ragalzi, E; Ceron, K; Piatti, L; Severo-Neto, F; Santana, DJ. Inside out: Unhappy feed of Scapteriscus sp. (Orthoptera: Gryllotalpidae) by Leptodactylus macrosternum (Anura: Leptodactylidae). Herpetologia Brasileira [acesse aqui]

Rainha, RN; Martinez, PA; Moraes, LJCL; Castro, KMSA; Réjaud, A; Fouquet, A; Leite, RN; Rodrigues, MT; Werneck, FP. Subtle environmental variation affects phenotypic differentiation of shallow divergent treefrog lineages in Amazonia. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society [acesse aqui]

Ramalho, Q; Tourinho, L; Almeida-Gomes, M; Vale, MM; Prevedello, JA. Reforestation can compensate negative effects of climate change on amphibians. Biological Conservation [acesse aqui]

Rebelato, MM; Ferri, VYK; Dalmolin. DA; Tozetti, AM; Verrastro, L. Envenomation by opisthoglyphous snake Thamnodynastes hypoconia (Cope, 1860) (Dipsadinae: Tachymenini) in southern Brazil. Toxicon [acesse aqui]

Ribeiro, SC; Campos, IKHMP; Guarnieri, MCBothrops erythromelas (Jararaca). DIET. Herpetological Review [acesse aqui]

Ribeiro-Júnior, MA; Sánchez-Martínez, PM; Moraes, LJCL; de Oliveira, USC; de Carvalho, VT; Pavan, D; Choueri, EHL; Werneck, FP; Meiri, S. Uncovering hidden species diversity of alopoglossid lizards in Amazonia, with the description of three new species of Alopoglossus (Squamata: Gymnophthalmoidae). Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research [acesse aqui]

Ricardo de Oliveira, C; Mascarenhas, W; Cardozo Ribeiro, S; Borges Nojosa, DM. Axanthism in Pithecopus gonzagai Andrade et al., 2020 (Anura: Phyllomedusidae). Cuadernos de Herpetología [acesse aqui]

Rocha, SM; De-Carvalho, CB; de Freitas, EB; Santos, RA; Santana, DO; Borzani, ACN; Faria, RG; Colli, GR; Mesquita, DO. Lizards from the Alto Sertão region of Sergipe state, northeastern Brazil. Biota Neotropica [acesse aqui]

Rodrigues, DJ; Noronha, JC; Lima, MM; Lima, JEP; Zopeletto, APM; Farias, AN; Oda, FH; Miranda, RM; Almeida, GO; Anjos, SF; Penhacek, M. Herpetofauna da Estação Ecológica do Rio Ronuro - Biodiversidade da Estação Ecológica do Rio Ronuro [acesse aqui]

Rodrigues, MLA; Sartori, SSR. Functional morphology of the tongue of lizard Salvator merianae (Reptilia: Squamata). Cuadernos de Heretología [acesse aqui]

Rosa, C; Baccaro, F; Cronemberger, C. ET AL. The Program for Biodiversity Research in Brazil: The role of regional networks for biodiversity knowledge, dissemination, and conservation. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências [acesse aqui]

Rosset, SD; Fadel, RM; Guimarães, CS; Carvalho, PS; Ceron, K; Pedrozo, M; Serejo, R; Souza, VS; Baldo, D; Mângia, S. A New Burrowing Frog of the Odontophrynus americanus Species Group (Anura, Odontophrynidae) from Subtropical Regions of Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay. Ichthyology & Herpetology [acesse aqui]

Ruggeri, J; Silva, AA; Candido, M; Sousa, RLM; Toledo, LF. Métodos para detecção de Ranavirus (Iridoviridae) em anfíbios. Herpetologia Brasileira [acesse aqui]

Saito, EN; Willrich, G; Trivia, AL. A tree frog Scinax perereca predated by a wandering spider Phoneutria keyserlingi in Brazil. The Herpetological Bulletin [acesse aqui]

Sales, RFD; Freire, EMX. Reproductive behavior of Spix’s Whiptails in the wild: understanding the costs and benefits of mate-guarding. Acta Ethologica. [acesse aqui


Sales, RFD; Silva, VTC; Marinho, PHD; Grandeiro, RDP. Pithecopus gonzagai. Predation. Herpetological Review [acesse aqui]


Santana, DJ; Mângia, S; Saccol, SSA; dos Santos, TG. A new species of Proceratophrys Miranda-Ribeiro, 1920 (Anura, Odontophrynidae) of the P. bigibbosa species group from Southern Brazil. Vertebrate Zoology [acesse aqui]

Santana, E; Schiesari, L; Gomes, F; Martins, M. Morphophysiological traits of an amphibian exposed to historical industrial pollution in a Brazilian biodiversity hotspot. Amphibia-Reptilia [acesse aqui]

Santana, MMS; Oliveira-Souza, AEO; Melo, FS; Anaissi, JSC; Costa-Campos, CE. Scinax ruber (Red-snouted Treefrog). DIET. Herpetological Review [acesse aqui]


Scalon-Luchese, M; Verrastro, L; Campos, ZCaiman latirostris (Broad-snouted Caiman). REPRODUCTION IN SOUTHERN BRAZIL. Herpetological Review [acesse aqui]

Schiavetti, A; Batista, TS; Ferreira, ES; Solé, MK. Brazilian Radiolated Swamp Turtle Acanthochelys radiolata (Mikan, 1820) in rivers of the Atlantic Forest of southern Bahia, Brazil. Herpetology Notes [acesse aqui]

Segalla, MV; Berneck, B; Canedo, C; Caramaschi, U; Cruz, CAG; Garcia, PCA; Grant, T; Haddad, CFB; Lourenço, ACC; Mângia, S; Mott, T; Nascimento, LB; Toledo, LF; Werneck, FP; Langone, JA. List of Brazilian Amphibians. Herpetologia Brasileira [acesse aqui]

Sena, FP; Silva, RA; Santos, AJS; Costa, CA; Araújo, SCM; Andrade, EB. Antipredator mechanisms of Leptodactylus syphax Bokermann, 1969 (Anura: Leptodactylidae). Herpetology Notes [acesse aqui

Silva, AFC; Bras, SX; Serra, RTA; Andrade, GV; Costa, JCL. Geographic distribution extension of Manciola guaporicola (Dunn, 1935) (Squamata: Mabuyidae) for the State of Maranhão, Northeastern Brazil. Herpetology Notes [acesse aqui]


Silva, FJ; Dias, EG; dos Santos, EM; Correia, JMSPaleosuchus palpebrosus (Cuvier’s Dwarf Caiman). NEONATE VOCALIZATION. Herpetological Review [acesse aqui]

Silva, GR; Carvalho-e-Silva, AMPT; Ribeiro, FS; Machado, JC; Couto, NA. Pithecopus azureus (Cope, 1862) in Joaquim Pires Municipality, Piauí State, northeastern Brazil (Anura, Phyllomedusidae). Herpetology Notes [acesse aqui]

Silva, JM; Navoni, JA; do Amaral, VS; Freire, AMX. Cytogenetic analysis of nuclear abnormalities in the erythrocytes of gecko lizards (Phyllopezus periosus) collected in a semi-arid region of Northeast Brazil: Possible effects of natural background radioactivity. Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis [acesse aqui]

Simões, TN; dos Santos, EM; Santos, AS; Gaiotto, FA; Costa, MA; Assis, ETCM; Neves, VCS; Magalhães, WMS; Mascarenhas, R; Bonfim, WAG; Neves, JNN; Solé, M. Low Diversity and Strong Genetic Structure Between Feeding and Nesting Areas in Brazil for the Critically Endangered Hawksbill Sea Turtle. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution [acesse aqui]

Siqueira, CC; Vrcibradic, D; Almeida‐Gomes, M; Rocha, CFD. Assessing the importance of reproductive modes for the evaluation of altitudinal distribution patterns in tropical frogs. Biotropica [acesse aqui]

Siqueira, LHC; Banci, KRS; Marques, OAV. Seasonal Activity of Bothrops jararaca (Serpentes, Viperidae): Optimizing Foraging while Avoiding Predators. South American Journal of Herpetology [acesse aqui]

Siqueira-Silva, T; de Lima, LAG; Chaves-Silveira, J; Amado, TF; Naipauer, J; Riul, P; Martinez, PA. Ecological and biogeographic processes drive the proteome evolution of snake venom. Global Ecology and Biogeography [acesse aqui]

Slobodian, V; Citeli, N; Cesar, SE; Soares, KDA. Chondrichthyes Sensory Systems. Livro: Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior [acesse aqui]

Slobodian, V; Soares, KDA; Falaschi, RL; Prado, LR; Camelier, P; Guedes, TB; Leal, LC; Hsiou, AS; Del-Rio, G; Costa, ER; Pereira, KRC; D’Angiolella, AB; Sousa, SA; Diele-Viegas, LM. Why we shouldn’t blame women for gender disparity in academia: perspectives of women in zoology. Zoologia [acesse aqui]

Souto, NM; Murta-Fonseca, RA; Fernandes, DS. A Morfometria Geométrica e suas aplicações nos estudos de Serpentes. Herpetologia Brasileira [acesse aqui]

Staniscuaski, F; Zandonà, E; Reichert, F; Soletti, RC; de Oliveira, L; Ricachenevsky, FK; Tamajusuku, ASK; Kmetzchi, L; Schwartz, IVD; Weneck, FP; Ludwig, ZMC; Lima, EF; Infanger, C; Neumann, A; Brandão, A; Wiggers, GA; Seixas, A; Mello-Carpes, PB. Maternity in the Brazilian CV Lattes: when will it become a reality? Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências [acesse aqui

Straube, N; Lyra, ML; Paijmans, JLA; Preick, M; Basler, N; Penner, J; Rödel, MO; Westbury, MV; Haddad, CFB; Barlow, A; Hofreiter, M. Successful application of ancient DNA extraction and library construction protocols to museum wet collection specimens. Molecular Ecology Resources [acesse aqui]

Sugai, LS; Llusia, D; Siqueira, T; Silva, TS. Revisiting the drivers of acoustic similarities in tropical anuran assemblages. Ecology [acesse aqui]

Tavares APG; Coelho-Lima, Ad; Delfim, FR; Mesquita, DO; Passos, DC. Distribution extension of Amphisbaena lumbricalis Vanzolini, 1996 with its first predation record by snake Erythrolamprus viridis (Günther, 1862). Cuadernos de Herpetología [acesse aqui]

Tavares-Pineiro, R; Melo, FS; Costa-Campos, CE. Boana boans (Giant Gladiator Treefrog). PREDATION. Herpetological Review [acesse aqui]

Teixido, AL; Sehn, H; Quintanilla, LG; Gonçalves, SRA; Férnandez‐Arellano, GJ; Dáttilo, W; Izzo, TJ; Layme, VMG; Moreira, LFB. A meta‐analysis of the effects of fragmentation on the megadiverse herpetofauna of Brazil. Biotropica [acesse aqui]

Thaler, R; Gonçalves, GS; Paiva, F; Ferreira, VL. Deadly food: Physical injury in Scinax nasicus (Cope, 1862) (Anura: Hylidae) caused by a dung beetle (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). Herpetology Notes [acesse aqui]

Thomé, MTC; Carstens, BC; Rodrigues, MT; Alexandrino, J; Haddad, CFB. Genomic data from the Brazilian sibilator frog reveal contrasting pleistocene dynamics and regionalism in two South American dry biomes. Journal of Biogeography [acesse aqui]

Thomé, MTC; Carstens, BC; Rodrigues, MT; Galetti Jr, PM; Alexandrino, J; Haddad, CFB. A role of asynchrony of seasons in explaining genetic differentiation in a Neotropical toad. Heredity [acesse aqui]

Thomé, MTC; Martins, M; Brasileiro, CA. Higher Diversity in Open Cerrado Supports the Role of Regional Processes in Shaping an Anuran Assemblage in Southeastern Brazil. South American Journal of Herpetology [acesse aqui]

Toledo, LF; Ruggeri, J; de Campos, LLF; Martins, M; Neckel‐Oliveira, S; Breviglieri, CPB. Midges not only sucks, but may carry lethal pathogens to wild amphibians. Biotropica [acesse aqui]

Tonini, JFR; Bautz, M; de Sá, R. Elachistocleis cesarii. Burrowing behavior. Herpetological Review [acesse aqui]

Torralvo, K; Magnusson, WE; Durgante, F. Effectiveness of Fourier transform near‐infrared spectroscopy spectra for species identification of anurans fixed in formaldehyde and conserved in alcohol: A new tool for integrative taxonomy. Journal of Biological Systematics and Evolutionary Research [acesse aqui]

Travaglia-Cardoso, SR; Albuquerque, CC; Puorto, G. Pit viper Bothrops pauloensis: Reproduction and comments on the colour and pattern of neonates. The Herpetological Bulletin [acesse aqui]

Travaglia-Cardoso, SR; Puorto, G. Micrurus frontalis (Serpentes: Elapidae): ingestion of a large prey. Herpetologia Brasileira [acesse aqui]

Trevine, VC; Caicedo-Portilla, JR; Hoogmoed, M; Thomas, RA; Franco, FL; Montingelli, GG; Osorno-Muñoz, M; Zaher, H. A new species of Thamnodynastes Wagler, 1830 from western Amazonia, with notes on morphology for members of the Thamnodynastes pallidus group (Serpentes, Dipsadidae, Tachymenini). Zootaxa [acesse aqui]

Valencia-Aguilar, A; Guayasamin, JM; Prado, CPA. Alloparental care in glassfrogs: males care for unrelated clutches only when associated with their own. Scientific Reports. [acesse aqui]

Vasconcelos, BD; Costa-Rodrigues, APV; de Mello, AVA; Cassini, CS; Salvino, CA; de Toledo, DGP; Fenker, J; Pereira, JA; de Alencar, LRV; de Souza, LG; da Silva, MB; Torello-Viera, NF; Friol, NR; Mângia, S; de Alencar, T; de Souza, YCM; França, DPF. Herpetologia Segundo as Herpetólogas: A breath of female representation in Brazilian science. Herpetologia Brasileira [acesse aqui]

Venegas, PJ; García-Ayachi, LA; Ormeño, J; Bullard, S; Catenazzi, A; Motta, AP. Two new species of terrestrial-breeding frogs (Anura: Brachycephaloidea) from Cordillera de Colán, Peru. Neotropical Biodiversity [acesse aqui]

Vidigal, I; Montesinos, R; Giaretta, AA. A Genetic and Acoustic Evaluation of the Distribution of Hylodes sazimai Haddad & Pombal, 1995 (Hylodidae), a Stream-Dwelling Atlantic Forest Frog. Journal of Herpetology [acesse aqui]

Vittorazzi, SE; Augusto-Alves, G; Neves-da-Silva, D; de Carvalho-e-Silva, AMPT; Recco-Pimentel, SM; Toledo, LF; Lourenço, LB; Bruschi, DP. Paraphyly in the giant torrent-frogs (Anura: Hylodidae: Megaelosia) and the description of a new genus. Salamandra [acesse aqui]

Xavier, MA; da Silva, TL; Carvalho, GDS; Dias, EJR. Natural history note of the endangered psammophilous lizard Eurolophosaurus amathites (Squamata: Tropiduridae) from Caatinga domain, Brazil. Herpetology Notes [acesse aqui]

Wachlevski, M; Passos, DC. Pithecopus nordestinus (Northeastern Brazilian Leaf Frog). DRY SEASON HABITAT USE. Herpetological Review [acesse aqui]

Yves, A; Rios, CHV; Lima, LMC; Araújo, SMC; Ferreira, JG; de Mendonça, SHST; Costa, HC. Predation attempt of Ameivula cipoensis (Squamata: Teiidae) by Tropidurus montanus (Squamata: Tropiduridae): A citizen science case. Herpetologia Brasileira [acesse aqui]

Zaher, H; Folie, A; Quadros, AB; Rana, RS; Kumar, K; Rose, KD; Fahmy, M; Smith, T. Additional vertebral material of Thaumastophis (Serpentes: Caenophidia) from the early Eocene of India provides new insights on the early diversification of colubroidean snakes. Geobios [acesse aqui]

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